So, yesterday a friend asked a question on her facebook status – not intending to start any kind of online debate – but to message her the answer to the following question: Why are you a Christian, or why are you not a Christian?
Hmm. I waited till today to reply – my response was as follows “I can message you a longer response - in fact your question may lead me to a blog post of my own...but 2 short reasons (1) I have experienced the power of prayer among faithful Christians and it is amazing (2) God's grace is a free gift for us - and who am I to turn away a free gift - I need all the grace I can get :)”
What bugs me is (1) why it took me almost 24 hours to post a response and (2) why it was hard to condense it down into a short concise FB appropriate response. I am not even sure what I wrote really covers it adequately. One of her FB friends summed it up quite concisely :”because I believe”. Hmm.
And here is why I think Christians these days tend to get a bad rap. While so many of us are convicted in our faith behind closed doors, we stumble like babbling idiots when talking about it with others – many times even when it’s someone sitting in the pew next to us. Maybe for those who are well-versed in theology, it is easier to give a reply. But for the rest of us still trying to figure it all out, most times don’t we really just do a duck ‘n run? We figure if we don’t have a polished answer in this highly educated Northern VA demographic, we better not answer at all? And if we don’t answer, where does that leave us? Not exactly proclaiming the good news of the Gospel….
Sigh. SO, we do the best we can and at least hope for improvement! But it is worth a few minutes to ponder – why ARE you (or are you not) a Christian?
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