Friday, October 11, 2013

Grateful for Change

Lepers??  Already?  I almost sighed when I sat down to do this week's Sunday School lesson.  If there is any story I think I have taught as much as Jesus' birth and death, and Noah's's the lepers. [the abridged version:  10 lepers healed, only one comes back to say thanks].

It's all about gratitude.  And, I got to thinking - well, that's one area I do OK on.  I've got other issues, but I got very full of myself thinking how well I think I do with gratitude.  But can we ever have enough?  Should we ever be content that we have shown enough gratitude?  Not really.  And I was reminded on this dreary day of some of the things I'll be forever grateful for:

1)  Five years ago I was in the midst of packing up our life for a brief stint 600 miles away from my children.  A medical crisis would keep us apart for the better part of 2 months, and it would take our family a long time to get back to "normal", but in the end healing had occurred.  Our life was changed in many ways.  And for that I am grateful.

2)  A year ago I was wallowing in self-pity, as my life "plans" had been dashed and I was about to have surgery from which I feel I have really only just fully recovered.   But in the end, healing had occurred.  And again, I was changed.  And for that I am grateful.

3)  Last weekend I spent 48 hours with children many of whom could not speak, would never ride a bike, or be given a list of chores.  Simple every day things I watched my kids do last Sunday when I got home.  I am not sure if I was overcome by grief or gratitude as the tears poured down my cheeks.  But I was changed yet again.  And for that I am grateful.

Most people don't like change.  I don't either.  It's not exactly enjoyable.  But funny, in the end I seem to end up grateful because of it.     

What changes are you grateful for?