Thursday, April 26, 2012

Slow Leak or a Flat Tire?

Recently, I discovered I had a slow leak in the tire of my 3 month old car.  It ended up being patched twice in a week.   But before I could get it fixed, I was driving around with a bizarre electronic symbol on my dashbord  alerting me to the fact that my air pressure was low.   Mostly I just tried to ignore it.

As a result of this issue - I became a quick expert in using a tire pressure gauge.  I kept the air compressor in my car and filled up the tire whenever it got below a certain point.

Who cares, right?  

In my bizarre way of over-analyzing things, I saw this symbol of air pressure as a reflection of life.  How nice it would be to have a buzzer that went off when our lives had a slow leak!  We know when we have a flat tire.  It's obvious.  We drop everything and fix it cause we know we won't get anywhere until we do.  But those slow leaks can be easy to ignore - we keep thinking other things are more important.

A wise friend reminded me yesterday that indeed we DO have an inner pressure gauge!  The Holy Spirit  is there to guide us, and warn us when our pressure is getting low and we need to fill ourselves back up.  The problem is, much like the annoying light on the dashboard, we often just want to ignore it.

SO, as the May calendar looms and every day seems to get more ridiculous, I am taking another look and trying to patch the leak before the tire has a blow out....