Sunday, March 11, 2018

Lessons from Bread Baking

I am not one for New Years resolutions, but 2 years ago I resolved to conquer yeast breads.  Fast forward to this year, and it still hadn’t happened.  But, we had received a sourdough starter for Christmas, and now I had no excuse!  So, this new year has become all about bread.  Little did I know it would evolve into such a spiritual experience.

I found myself intrigued with the word yeast, and found this definition: “a pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it for the better.”  

So, what else can we learn from a little yeast?  Here are some Godly reminders I have learned from my bread making experiences so far…

1)  You need to make the time.   Bread does not happen quickly.  I have actually blocked out one day a week for making bread.  It has become a kind of sabbath day.  This is my reminder that we need to make the time for God, it will not just happen.

2) You need to be patient.  My biggest challenge.  Most of bread baking is waiting around for something to happen.  This is my reminder that  things happen in GOD’s time, not mine.

3) You need to be steadfast.  This challenges me in the kneading process.  Kneading activates the gluten, and you need to keep doing this for way longer than you think (also -  its a great workout for your arms...or your dough hook!).  Kneading gives the dough texture, form and stability.  You work it until it stretches to the point of almost breaking - but not quite.  This is my reminder of how God works in us.  He takes our lives, and works thru us and shapes us.  Sometimes, he pushes to the point of almost breaking – but not quite.  This is my reminder that God is steadfast, and is always with us no matter what we are going through.  He is always working in me for his good.

4)  You learn something new each time.  I have been re-making the same few recipes of bread.  Every time I learn something new.  I notice the texture of the dough and can better estimate when its ready.  I note the environment I provide for the rise and what makes a difference.  This is my reminder that God’s word is always alive and can impart teaching on my heart.  I can read the same verse 20 times, and it can speak to me 20 different ways depending on that day and what is happening in my life.

5)  Every loaf is different - the shape, the taste, the texture.  Not one is ever the same.  This is my reminder that God made me a unique individual with unique gifts to use for his Kingdom.  

6)  At a certain point, you have to wait and trust the dough will rise.  This is my reminder that faith is the evidence of things unseen.  The work of the yeast is hidden, just as the seed in the ground is unseen, but it is still working toward its end.  We may not know what God has in store for us, but we can have faith that he is working it out for his good.

7)  Baking bread is a discipline of wonder.  Bread is a kind of miracle.  It takes ordinary ingredients and makes something extraordinary.  My reminder that God uses ordinary people like you and me for extraordinary things.

Holy God, thank you for the wondrous reminders you give us in the most simple things.  We praise you for being our daily bread, our sustenance, and our life.  May we live our lives with the confidence that you are working in and thru us, even when the path is unseen.  In your precious name we pray, Amen.