Wednesday, August 8, 2012

VBS Top 10

I should probably be working on tomorrow's lesson.  VBS has crossed the hump, with two days left.  So far, it's had everything I knew it would have - the good and the "challenging"! Even though I have these huge bags under my eyes, the  "God" stuff has made it worth every minute. And that's just the things I know about.  How I wish I could be a fly on the walls all over the church when these kids invade for the week.  My cup overflows.  I have no idea why I get so into VBS - well, I do, but only other VBS types like me understand.  

So - in honor of our theme today (Learn) - here's a few tips and other things I have learned from VBS over the years:

1. It doesn’t matter how prepared you are, nothing ever goes as you planned.  Usually this works out better than the original plan.

2.  Don’t hint to the VBS director that you have some free time on your hands, cause there is no such thing as having too many volunteers J

 3.     The music should always be turned up louder.  

4.  Bathroom breaks are a group event, as are field trips to the water fountain.

5.      Make friends with the kitchen crew. They feed you.  And they let you play with your food.

6.    Always say more prayers for the craft people. You might have a bunch of kids, but they supervise all those kids with paint brushes in hand.

7.   Coffee. Drink. More. Coffee.

8.  Age or physical limitation is no reason to stay away. VBS has a place for everyone, young and “wise”. 

9.   There is no greater joy than a VBS hug.

10.           When it gets tough, stick with it. It’s all worth it. 

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