I was at a meeting recently with a woman I am going to be team-teaching with next fall. We had never met and were just getting to know each other and our teaching philosophy. At the end I said, "Here is my bottom line - learning about Jesus and the bible should be ENJOYABLE. And sometimes that means getting a little goofy".
So many people see Christians as a group of people who take themselves way to seriously. And I wouldn't want to do anything disrespectful - but we are talking about GOOD NEWS. Life-giving stuff!! Jesus himself saw the value in sharing JOY. After all, his first miracle was making more wine at a wedding feast!
Yes, I am Presbyterian. No, I do not clap in church. Yes, I sit very still and orderly during worship. No, I will not wear blue jeans.
And every now and then, that drives me crazy. SO, I feel the urge to get a little goofy. Goofy for God.
SO, I am loving an idea I saw at one of my favorite resource sites about Flat Jesus (check out "Worshiping with Children" on Facebook). Yes , think Flat Stanley if you are familiar with that line of books. To make a short story even shorter - my church has embarked on a Flat Jesus campaign this summer and you can read more about it HERE.
At first I was thinking it was just a nice way to stay connected over the summer, see what people are up to, and provide a way to tell stories via photos. But, over the past 2 weeks, Flat Jesus has become more than just a "goofy" way to connect church members - for me it has really been a way to demonstrate how to live (or not live) our Christian life, and what can happen when we are more intentional about that.
Here are some highlights from the first two weeks with my Flat Jesus….
- I made him quickly and immediately felt the need to share him. Yes - this is what we are called to do as Christians! Except so far I have really only shared him with fellow Christians. Next time he goes WITH me into the Wegmans! Maybe we get some fish :)
- On the days I literally had my Flat Jesus in my car with me, he really was every where with me. The other days he hung out on my dining room table. I am fairly certain my thoughts and behaviors on the days with vs. without Jesus had distinct differences. Who knew a piece of paper would serve as such a strong reminder of how we are to act in the world.
- On the days I had my Flat Jesus with me, I saw the joy he brought others. Nobody could resist him! When people see the joy, he is irresistible. Irresistible.
Flat Jesus probably won't change the world - but if getting goofy for God brings joy to others and gives me a reminder of what I need to be doing, then I'll go with it!
You want to get goofy for God? Make your own Flat Jesus - get a blank template HERE. Have fun with it, and show others how having Jesus in your life is enjoyable!
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