Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Don't Worry...Be Happy?

There is a LOT of worry going around.  It seems to be coming from all directions these days.  Friends worried about job security, teens worried about how their life is going to turn out - even my own young kids have worries (today was report card day - I am sure there was some lost sleep last night).  

I keep a running list of prayer concerns in a journal (I am past the point of letting my wee brain remember everything).  Today that list included WAY too many children fighting illness.  And those were just the ones I know about.  Having been in a situation with a family member having a serious illness, I KNOW those parents are worried.  And when people tell them NOT to worry???  Don't even go there.

But, what if it's Jesus telling us not to worry???  As it almost always happens, my weekly bible study highlights some aspect of life that could use some improvement.  Today one of the areas was from Luke 12:25..."Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"  Earlier this week I joked on Facebook that I should take these words and place them strategically around my house -  like on my bedroom ceiling.

I have kind of a crazy imagination -  a blessing and a curse.  It often leads to some really cool ideas - and just as often leads to worry.  Like when my husband does not text me the minute his plane lands somewhere.  and I am convinced his plane has crashed (really - how did folks with traveling spouses ever live before cell phones??).

So, I start to WORRY when Jesus says I am not supposed to WORRY.  Is there no benefit to a little angst?  I have no idea what the right answer is there - but I will say the following:

  •  I am human. I am going to worry about stuff.  All kinds of stuff - important stuff, and yes even not-so-important stuff.
  • Other people are going to worry.  It is not my place to judge the importance of their worries.  Just like all prayers received by God - my worries are no more or less important than someone else's worries.
  • Having lived thru worrisome situations in life - I can say from experience that it's better to take all those worries to God in prayer than let them consume you.  I've done it both ways, and prayer is definitely the way to go.  The bigger the worry, the more praying required.   
I would go so far to say that a strong faith can actually let you worry.  You can imagine the worst and still have confidence that it will all work out somehow.  Faith let's you think the dark thoughts, but then brings you back into the light.

So, don't worry.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your blog, Sue. I tend to worry and then, when I've had enough, I turn it over to God. He does a much better job with things. I did a blog in October "Worry, Worry, and More Worry". I think all moms have a "worry gene'.
    God bless you and your family.
